❝The Ad-Lib Club∗

Behind the scenes

Pattie Boyd Hello there, I'm Fritzi - the mastermind behind this groovy webring.
I do love the 50s and 60s and I'm a huge Beatles fan. Graphic design and the small web are my passion. I also play the guitar. And sometimes I play the fool.


If you have any questions or know about yet another font I could use for this website, please send me an e-mail!

If you want to link back to my site, you can use the button below - but please do not hotlink!

The Ad-Lib Club

Carve your number on my wall

Site Info

This website is hosted on Neocities, managed with webri.ng and uses JavaScript to properly greet you according to your local time and to enhance browser tooltips.

Everything is handcoded in CotEditor and up to semantic HTML5 standard with the help of W3Schools.

Freeformatter is my trusty tool to make everything truly beautiful in case someone takes a look at my source code.
For all HTML entities and symbols I refer to (◕⏝◕).

The background image is inspired by Giovanni Pintori's design for the Olivetti Studio 44 handbook.
And yes, I use a John Lennon and a George Harrison handwriting font as well as the Bootle font.
Oh, and of course the groovy Magical Mystery Tour font is rolling up as well. It's been A Hard Day's Night, folks!
There's also the DekoDisplay font.
Honorably mentioned: this gorgeous Guyon Gazebo font and the jazzy Stereofidelic one.

Neocities' mascot Penelope the cat